Rosemarie Savino

Rosemarie Savino brings a wealth of experience in scaling organizations of all sizes for profitable growth. In her role as COO, Rosemarie is key to expanding the AEG community and enhancing our members’ experiences.

In her career, Rosemarie has built several profitable technology and services businesses. Her passion for architecting high performance teams has led her to work with entrepreneurs, mid-market, and large firms to solve complex process issues, and implement strategic growth plans. As a direct result, companies across the country have realized net new revenues in the tens of millions of dollars, and tens of thousands of new business clients. She has worked with some of the most successful professionals across the country to create this type of additive value for their business.

With her own experience in entrepreneurship (Rosemarie was most recently named a DCA Live 2020 Red Hot Entrepreneur), operations, roadmap development, and marketing, she brings a widened perspective to AEG’s mission of creating personal and business growth through trusted relationships.